Friday, October 19, 2012

Voter Registration Fraud

On October 11, 2012 Neil Aquire posted from his Texas Liberal blog an article titled Fort Bend Democratic Party Chair Stephan Brown talks about protecting the right to vote in Texas in 2012. Mr. Brown claims “True the Vote” are self-proclaimed voter fraud vigilantes that want to use their poll watchers to intimidate and challenge minority voters at the polls this fall. He states, “True the Vote watchers hover over people as they vote and engage in confrontational conversations.  They want to purge voters, challenge the right of eligible voters to cast their ballots and bully everyone on Election Day.” 
      Chapter 33 of the Texas Election Code describes the role of a poll watcher. The poll watcher is someone which is legally in the polling place and is appointed. There are certain qualifications and responsibilities that come with the job such as the poll watcher cannot be disorderly or disruptive of the voting process. Furthermore, The Texas Election Division also has an online poll worker training at

     Subsequently, Mr. Brown fails to report that labor, civil rights and voting right groups including the AFL-CIO, NAACP, National Council of La Raza, also are coordinating poll watchers. Perhaps he should take the time to mobilize and train volunteers to be poll watchers and not be critical of those that are trying to restore truth, faith, and integrity to our elections.  With this in mind why does the State of Texas allow for poll watchers during our elections? there is voter fraud across the nation and both the Republicans and Democrats should be concerned and work together to come up with a solution.  

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