Friday, December 14, 2012

The Eyes (and Ears) of Texas - The Healthcare Bomb

Joshua Chapman the creator of The Eyes (and Ears) of Texas posted a blog post with the title "The Healthcare Bomb" which talks about the Healthcare plan aka Obama care and how it will put burden on the taxpayers, be a crushing blow to the middle class, and how the bill will be harmful to the majority of Texan's wallets.

I agree with him. The re-election of President Obama guarantees the release of his healthcare plan and now that he has time to concentrate on his next four years he can make sure the republicans don’t do anything to harm the plan. Furthermore, I agree that the health care plan will put intense burden on the taxpayers and a “crushing blow” to the middle class. It’s interesting to add that this plan will also be catastrophic for medical companies. One specific company named ADM Tronics will be devastated when Obama care becomes law. Additionally, ADM Tronics has never in its history, even through the recession when it even added jobs had to lay off people. Currently, they had to lay off six people from their 52 work force and many more layoffs next year.