Thursday, November 29, 2012

Should Texas Secede?

      President Barack Obama’s reelection has caused an appeal to be issued, calling for the Federal Government to let Texas, which is a conservative state to withdraw from the Union. This brings up the question, should Texas secede from the Union and is Texas able to secede. A petition was created, receiving over 65,000 signatures, stating the reason for the request, relating the continuing economic difficulties originating from the federal government’s incompetence to reform domestic and foreign spending. This sheds light on the fact that people are both scared and fed up with the federal government and that something not just needs to be done, but has to be done. Texas holds a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, which leads me to believe it wouldn’t be a bad idea if Texas did secede from the Union. If Texas has the power to escape the growing national finical fire, why wait till we burn?

     The second question, can Texas secede from the Union? In Article 1, Section 1, it states that “Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States” it doesn’t say anything about being directed either by Congress or the President of the United States. Nowhere, in either the Texas Constitution or the Constitution of the United States does it disallow the secession of Texas or any state for that matter. Furthermore, it is stated in both constitutions that “All political power is inherent in the people … they have at all times the inalienable right to alter their government in such manner as they might think proper”. Knowing this I believe anything is possible with the will of the people. If the majority of Texans want to secede, they will.  

Friday, November 16, 2012

Texas Voter ID Law

I was looking over one my class mate's blogs entitled The eyes of Texas are Upon U and the discussion was over the Texas Voter ID Law. I pointed out that the 2012 election served as a reminder that Texas would have benefited from the Senate Bill 14. That the OSCE members from the UN even stated that they were stunned that a voter did not have to show a photo ID to vote. I then went on to discuss the policies at the Methodist Stone Oak Hospital In San Antonio, Texas where it is required for you to register, identify yourself, present your valid government issued photo identification to obtain a visitor's pass and that they even took a photo and printed on a temporary visitor's badge, free of charge. Furthermore, the information given to the hospital would remain in their system for future use. Lastly I stated our elections need to be protected and when the state of Texas appeals the U.S. Supreme Court's decision on Senate Bill 14 then Texas will feel they have integrity at the ballot box.